Like many of you, on Sunday night we watched the Super Bowl. And, unlike many other Super Bowls, this was actually a very good game that came down to the final minute of play before the outcome was decided. I really didn't know who to root for. I guess I have always been an Eagles fan, but I know they'll never get back to the Super Bowl so over the years I've had other teams that were also my favorites. Back in the 60's the Packers were my favorite team. Two years ago we toured their facilities and their museum and it brought back so many memories of the great games when Vince Lombardi was coach and Bart Starr was quarterback. And it was intriguing to hear how they were started by a meat packing plant and now are the only team actually owned and controlled by the their fans. But the Steelers were my favorite team when Franco Harris was playing and they are from Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, I admit that the moral problems of their quarterback have tarnished my feelings and support. I wish the Steelers had taken the high road and traded him and replaced him with someone that young people could really look up to. But then they probably wouldn't have made it to the Super Bowl. It is ironic that his two intercepted passes cost his team two touchdowns and probably the victory. I think football is my favorite sport to watch because, unlike baseball, there is so much action. And there are some great football players who are good moral men and born again believers. Reggie White was always one of my heroes, a great player who loved and served the Lord. But, unfortunately in the months ahead, there will be a major battle between the rich team owners and the union which represents the rich players. They will be fighting over a new contract to make each of them richer. The result could be a strike or lockout and possibly no football season and no Super Bowl. And the poor fans will pay for it one way or another. Hopefully we can at least watch some good college football games. But back to the Super Bowl. There were two things that bothered me that weren't really part of the actual game. The first was the commercials. Some were very funny. Others were very sexual and suggestive. This is so sad when many of those viewing were children or teenagers. It made me cringe to think that my grandchildren and kids that we minister to in Awana who love football were exposed to this immorality in ad after ad. Unfortunately it is just part of the downward slide of morality in America. One can't help but wonder how long God will put up with this. But moving on - I will skip any comments about the halftime show - but, I can't pass commenting on the "rendition" of the National Anthem - if that is what it was. It turns my stomach to hear an "artist" (??) change the words and interrupt it as she wants to. It seems to me that the National Anthem should be special and sung only with dignity. I don't think any other country would allow a soloist to do this to their anthem at such a major event. Only in America. I guess I am more sensitive to this since I just finished viewing "Band of Brothers", a true story of men in World War II. After viewing that, one comes away with a new respect and appreciation for what thousands went through to provide us with the liberty and freedom to watch and enjoy a Super Bowl. Their sacrifice deserves a solemn and respectful response, not what we viewed on Sunday night. God has blessed America, but can He do so much longer?
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